
Showing posts from January, 2019

Kidding series review

in his first return to our screens after taking a very long break from the camera, Jim Carrey returns in a new TV show about a children's TV host Jeff Pickles having a mental breakdown and falling into a crisis after a serious event happens to his family. the show presents how dark Pickles becomes and uses happy kids TV music which makes the whole situation and TV show seem very dark and sinister. I also love how the show chooses to inter cut between a typical episode of the children's show to distort the lines between friendliness and madness brilliantly. my only problem with the show was that Carrey isn't allowed to be as comically creative as he could which would also help to fill the void given by some of the boring or meaningless characters that he works with or meets. this results in the show being given a 6.5/10 from me.

full script for production

Rinse and repeat (we are first given a monologue from sam, sam is male with scruffy looking clothing typically worn by teenagers the clothing will mostly be grey to fit with the colour grey being associated with depression. It will always be appropriate to his surroundings but this may not apply seeing as he will be in his school clothes for the vast majority of the film. His personality is mostly muted for emphasis on the idea that depression can apply to anyone) Fade into black screen: Sam (v.o): I wanted to talk about it. No, I wanted to scream and yell about it. I wanted to shout it at someones face and tell them all about it! But I couldn’t do it. I didn’t try to. I just kept moving on and saying to myself that it was “just a phase” and “It’ll be fine eventually”. But it never did… (there is a long pause) My name is sam and I have been depressed for 14 months. (as if introducing himself to a depression support group.) (a definition of depr...