
vendetta conventions homework

this trailer for vendetta is in the genre of an action/crime thriller. the common conventions which are linked to this genre are shown in the trailer and are as follows... a much darker tone and atmosphere for the film. illegal activities throughout the film. the setting being in London. a relation to the main character being kidnapped and the plot being that the main character has to either save them or avenge their deaths. lots of shootouts and swearing.

the Vietnam war review

when first looking at this series of documentaries on the Vietnam war, you think that it will just be a history of the war and how it effected the cold war. But when finding this and watching it on Netflix, I found that the documentary went into far more detail and told the entire story from the beginning and why it was so important that Vietnam stayed away from socialism and the huge knock-on effect it would have in Asia if it did. it takes the vast majority of interviews from soldiers and citizens on both sides of the war and it gives them good justice towards their actions in the war and the true horrors that they saw while fighting in it. One US soldier tells a story of the fact he would have to sit terrified in the mud for hours and look for enemies in the woods through the entire night which scared him so much throughout the war that he had to have a night light for the rest of his life because of his experience during the war. its stories like these and the wel...
production schedule

initial ideas

Depression association with depression. the colour grey is often associated with depression suicide emotional pressure the idea of repetition in your life most people with depression are on some form of medication or antidepressants very little social life or presence on social media high amounts of alcohol abuse mood swings people who are recovering normally go to a support group to help with their recovery

location rekke

location rekke one : Bedford road location rekke two: cafe nero

Kidding series review

in his first return to our screens after taking a very long break from the camera, Jim Carrey returns in a new TV show about a children's TV host Jeff Pickles having a mental breakdown and falling into a crisis after a serious event happens to his family. the show presents how dark Pickles becomes and uses happy kids TV music which makes the whole situation and TV show seem very dark and sinister. I also love how the show chooses to inter cut between a typical episode of the children's show to distort the lines between friendliness and madness brilliantly. my only problem with the show was that Carrey isn't allowed to be as comically creative as he could which would also help to fill the void given by some of the boring or meaningless characters that he works with or meets. this results in the show being given a 6.5/10 from me.

full script for production

Rinse and repeat (we are first given a monologue from sam, sam is male with scruffy looking clothing typically worn by teenagers the clothing will mostly be grey to fit with the colour grey being associated with depression. It will always be appropriate to his surroundings but this may not apply seeing as he will be in his school clothes for the vast majority of the film. His personality is mostly muted for emphasis on the idea that depression can apply to anyone) Fade into black screen: Sam (v.o): I wanted to talk about it. No, I wanted to scream and yell about it. I wanted to shout it at someones face and tell them all about it! But I couldn’t do it. I didn’t try to. I just kept moving on and saying to myself that it was “just a phase” and “It’ll be fine eventually”. But it never did… (there is a long pause) My name is sam and I have been depressed for 14 months. (as if introducing himself to a depression support group.) (a definition of depr...