a study on Cortana

Cortana is from the very popular first person shooter series Halo develop by at first Bungie but now it is owned by Microsoft and their 343 division after they Kept the licence after Bungie plot away from microsoft. the premise of the game is that humanity has expanded across the universe and met an evil alien species called the Covanent. in order to fight them the now reformed UNSC created a set of super soldiers called spartans. each spartan has its own set of powerful amour witch comes with its own individual AI in which case the one assigned to the master chief (the character you play in the game.) is Called Cortana who gives tactical advice to Master Chief in combat and aids him by working in technical jobs that Chief is unable to do. other characters in this game are portrayed as physical and tough characters so Cortana provided a nice change of pace for her to be a much more innocent and silent working assistant. In Halo 4 it is mentioned that Cortana is getting problems since she has well exceeded her life cycle of 10 years. these problem become persistent and she begins to be more of a hindrance in chief's mission to stop the covenant from taking over the galaxy


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