the Stella Artios advert

in this advert we are shown a solider returning from the first world war into his small provincial hometown where he meets his father who owns a bar to much celebration. the farther suggests that they all drink his finest wine but the son disagrees and asks for a Stella Atrois which could have a connotation of being better than wine for certain occasions. the father allows it hesitantly and pours him a glass of Stella. one of the sons friends asks for a pint which the father agrees to but he puts his foot on the pipe to make it seem that they have run out which could be a connotation of the fact the producers wanted to show that Stella is so good that some people shouldn't be given it. the advert ends with the tagline, "reassuringly expensive" which could be one of the producers claiming that the beer justifies its price with its great taste


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